The Soul of Man Under Fascism
Reading Gramsci’s prison letters in an age of catastrophe
Reading Gramsci’s prison letters in an age of catastrophe
John Hinckley, Jr. and the prospects of abolition
The reason nobody wants to work anymore is no mystery
Brian's Law in Canada demonizes and terrorizes people with schizophrenia; we must find a better way
A science fiction TV drama explores questions of slavery and self in the workplace
Social democrats should fight climate change the way we fought the Axis Powers
We interview teachers at the Chicago Free School, where kids learn democracy by doing it
Blockchains can't decentralize the internet – but the cooperative Fediverse can.
Max Alvarez’s interviews record working-class perspectives on the age of COVID
Krasznahorkai’s Chasing Homer portrays humanity at the end of history
The view from Palestine on Israel’s new protest movement
Strange Matters is a cooperative magazine of new and unconventional thinking in economics, politics, and culture.