Price Pressures

It's people who set prices; let's ask them how and why they do it

My McUnion 

A fast-food worker learns unionization tactics while working to organize their restaurant

Dream City

Drifting through the city with Modiano and the Situationists

Geopolitics of the Sahel

Recent coups in Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso have produced the Alliance of Sahelian States (AES). Why is it aligning with Russia?

Atlas Dabbed

New York, NY | USA

Suspended over this one-to-one-scale map of my doomed metropolis, I saw all at once the extent of the sickness that had fallen on New York.


Johannesburg | South Africa

Dineo’s last image of the German was of him, wide-eyed and shouting, pulling the door of the van closed on a whole group of people.

Strange Matters is a cooperative magazine of new and unconventional thinking in economics, politics, and culture.