Price Pressures

It's people who set prices; let's ask them how and why they do it

An Historiography of Anarchism

Global anarchist history reveals the fundamental unity of the tradition, along with its key lines of debate and disagreement

The Native Freedom Struggle

An interview with Roberto Mendoza, a veteran of Indigenous people’s struggle for liberation in North America

My McUnion 

A fast-food worker learns unionization tactics while working to organize their restaurant

Owner’s Remorse

Blockchain elites believe everyone deserves a stake in the internet. Will we all be equal stakeholders in Web3?

The Dialectic of Chess Story

New York, New York | USA

Chess Story by Stefan Zweig is the perfect Christmas gift. It’s short enough to read in one sitting and its prose is practically see-through. Every year, I’m tempted to give my copy to a friend, adorned with a handwritten note on the inside flap. But I never will. It’s too...

Pulitzer Bait

Los Angeles, CA | USA

The decline in book titles: a taxonomy of Pulitzer Bait, in most of its common variations.

Strange Matters is a cooperative magazine of new and unconventional thinking in economics, politics, and culture.